Arkadij Bojko
Hello, I am an assistant professor at SIMIS and Fudan University. I did my PhD with Dominic Joyce at the University of Oxford.

I believe in the essence of Ardila's Axioms.
My research field is enumerative algebraic geometry where I have mainly focused on sheaf-counting theories thus far. Through my work, I help to advance our understanding of invariants and structures of moduli spaces of sheaves. I enjoy finding new approaches to existing problems that borrow tools from representation theory and differential geometry. I dedicated most of my time to two main areas: sheaf-counting on Calabi-Yau fourfolds and Virasoro constraints for linear categories. Here, I used vertex algebras and their formal families combined with wall-crossing to prove multiple existing conjectures. Returning to my roots, I am beginning to dabble in various topics of mathematical physics.
I am coorganizing the Enumerative geometry seminar with Yang Zhou.
You can contact me using ‘abojko(at)simis(dot)cn’.
selected publications
- Virasoro constraints for moduli of sheaves and vertex algebrasInvent. Math., 2024
- Universal Virasoro constraints for quivers with relations2023arXiv preprint, submitted to a journal
- Hilbert schemes of points on Calabi–Yau 4-folds via wall-crossingAdv. Math., 2024
- Orientations for DT invariants on quasi-projective Calabi-Yau 4-foldsAdv. Math., 2021