Arkadij Bojko

Hello, I am an Institute Research Scholar at Academia Sinica. Previously, I worked in the group of Rahul Pandharipande at ETH Zurich, and I did my PhD with Dominic Joyce at Oxford.


I believe in the essence of Ardila's Axioms.

My research field is enumerative algebraic geometry where I have mainly focused on sheaf-counting theories thus far. Through my work, I help to advance our understanding of invariants and structures of moduli spaces of sheaves by using tools from representation theory, combinatorics, topology, gauge theory, and derived algebraic geometry. The techniques I often apply rely on the wall-crossing behaviour of sheaves under changing stability conditions and on equivariant localization. Much of my work is oriented towards sheaf-counting on Calabi-Yau fourfolds and towards Virasoro constraints for abelian categories. Here, I used vertex algebras and their formal families combined with wall-crossing to prove multiple existing conjectures.

I am (co)organizing the Algebraic Geometry Seminar at Academia Sinica. You can contact me using the email address found here.

selected publications

  1. Virasoro constraints for moduli of sheaves and vertex algebras
    Arkadij Bojko, Woonam Lim , and Miguel Moreira
    Invent. Math., 2024
  2. Universal Virasoro constraints for quivers with relations
    Arkadij Bojko
    arXiv preprint, submitted to a journal
  3. Hilbert schemes of points on Calabi–Yau 4-folds via wall-crossing
    Arkadij Bojko
    Adv. Math., 2024
  4. Orientations for DT invariants on quasi-projective Calabi-Yau 4-folds
    Arkadij Bojko
    Adv. Math., 2021