
Seminar lectures coorganized by me.

Enumerative geometry seminar

Coorganized with Yang Zhou

Wednesdays at 2pm


Yingchun Zhang, Zhejiang University
03/26, SCMS room 102, Fudan University

Quantum cohomology/quantum K rings and cluster algebras
I will introduce a relation between the quantum cohomology ring/quantum K ring of a quiver variety and the cluster algebra. More explicitly, given a quiver with potential, there is an injective ring homomorphism from the cluster algebra to quantum cohomology/quantum K ring of the corresponding quiver variety. This relation has been proved for A and D type quivers.

Will Donovan, Tsinghua University
On Monday as an exception! _2pm 03/31, SIMIS_room 1310

Exceptional surfaces in 3-folds and derived symmetries
Crepant resolutions of 3-fold singularities may contain elaborate configurations of exceptional surfaces. Using toric cases as a guide, I review some known contributions of these configurations to the derived autoequivalence group of the resolution, in particular from work of Seidel-Thomas, and discuss work in progress with Luyu Zheng.